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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Saturday, December 3, 2022

"My heart is pounding."


1 comment:

  1. Oh, oh my gosh, this, this really happen to me now. I, I could only dream of it. But I wanted more, I wanted it to be real, not just dreaming of it. After a year of gene therapy, and training. I wanted to find that guy. To experience it real. But she didn't one cute guy, but two. She wasn't expected to get two that once. But she figures why not. It wasn't a dream it was real.
