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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Friday, January 29, 2021

"OMG! They did it!"

Why I'm a heterosexual woman.

Imagine you're seeing beautiful, sexy women all your life and every time you do your brain is telling you that you're one of them.
Then you look at the body you're actually in and it feels completely alien to you.
You could try to get as close to your true form as you can cosmetically with hormones and surgery but you think that's like using a sledgehammer for a job that needs a scalpel.
Then finally the genetic technology arrives that can give you the body you so desperately want.
Of course you jump at it and do the procedure.
You see your body slowly but surely transform in the female form it was always meant to have.
The more you're becoming your true self, the more you start daring to feel things you have never allowed yourself to feel before.
You start thinking about all the hot men you ever saw in your life and start thinking: "If only......if only I was myself back then. What wonderful lovers they would be for me."
And then all the lust you feel for those men that you have denied yourself for so long are flooding all over you.
You're overwhelmed with joy because now you have become your true self.
A beautiful, sexy, lustful, HETEROSEXUAL woman.
The idea of seeing women as lovers feels absurd and off-putting to you now. 
And it feels right that you feel that way. 
It's just the natural response of a heterosexual woman, which is exactly what you are.

I love studs!
I love hot, muscular men!
I love them!

Love, Michelle Phoenix