Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.
Michelle Phoenix
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Saturday, June 15, 2019
From the Crossdreamers Clinical Institute
From the Crossdreamers Clinical Institute.
Addressing cases of latent heterosexuality.
dear members of the board.
Miss Michelle Phoenix was one of our first and most successful patients who has transitioned into womanhood using our new methods of genetic engineering, making her a complete biological woman. Miss Phoenix's and our success has become legendary and a textbook example of medical innovation.
During her transitioning when her primary and secondary sex characteristics along with the rest of her body mutated into the female body we designed for her, she reported something what she fondly referred to as "crossdreamers delight".
A term she uses to describe being euphoric of having a profound lust for men. Which in hindsight is completely consistent with her nature, because she requested with emphasis for her body to be specifically designed for a very active sex life.
She also reported that she feels great relief of having no sexual desire for other women and she is very happy of the fact that her feelings for them are strictly platonic.
Consequently she has completely embraced herself to be a full heterosexual woman.
Her brain scans also supports her claims of heterosexuality to be legitimate.
So does all of the genetic evidence.
The genetic markers that determines sexual orientation that where found in her genome where of the heterosexual kind.
We also determined that these genes where present before the gene therapy commenced, therefore her heterosexuality was not caused by our actions.
These genes where there at her inception.
The evidence is conclusive.
The reason to why her heterosexuality was dormant until recently is still uncertain but what is certain that she definitely is a completely heterosexual woman.
After further research we came to the conclusion that this phenomenon of latent heterosexuality is quite common among our patients.
We found the same genetic markers in a lot of these patients as well.
Our estimates are that about 82% of our patients are heterosexual.
Because of this we started a support program to not only help our patients with their transition into womanhood, but also their heterosexuality as well.
We have hired Miss Michelle Phoenix to be one of our top advisors because by now she has acquired more extended experience and expertise when it comes to having sexual relationships with men then anyone I know.
She also has such an acute sense of our patients most intimate feelings and desires that it is simply mind boggling.
It is of my professional opinion that as soon crossdreamers delight is being reported the patient should be introduced to this program as soon as possible.
I also think that it is highly advisable that to refer to these patients as sluts as being a very positive thing in order to remove the stigma of being very sexually active women.
Our first priority is their happiness and if being a slut is their bliss then we should fully support it.
I am also in complete support of Miss Michelle Phoenix's efforts to inform the public of our patients and former patients, who she has developed some endearing friendships with, and to share their experiences of discovering they are heterosexual women and the great pleasures they feel of being a slut.
Miss Phoenix has already created a website for that purpose.
It is important to present these women in the most sex-positive light.
I think it is also important to continue to remind people that these women absolutely adore men and that these men deserved to be loved by them.
I believe that lust is the most pleasurable way for affection to flourish making lust and affection one and the same.
As miss Phoenix said so herself : "For a woman like me there is no greater heaven than to be in the arms of a man that awakens the slut inside you. And there is nothing I love more then my men." (I mean seriously, who doesn't want to be desired by someone that much ?)
There's one more very important point that I want to make.
This program is NOT to persuade these women to change their sexual orientation.
These women didn't become heterosexual,
They simply discovered that they always where.
That's where the euphoric feelings are coming from, because for the first time they can do something they could never do before.
To feel as the women they always where because now they are themselves.
Just women lusting for men.
I will keep the board informed about our progress as this program is continuing forward.
sincerely: dr. Rebecca Molay.
founding member and head of psychiatry at the Crossdreamers Clinical institute.
dear members of the board.
Miss Michelle Phoenix was one of our first and most successful patients who has transitioned into womanhood using our new methods of genetic engineering, making her a complete biological woman. Miss Phoenix's and our success has become legendary and a textbook example of medical innovation.
During her transitioning when her primary and secondary sex characteristics along with the rest of her body mutated into the female body we designed for her, she reported something what she fondly referred to as "crossdreamers delight".
A term she uses to describe being euphoric of having a profound lust for men. Which in hindsight is completely consistent with her nature, because she requested with emphasis for her body to be specifically designed for a very active sex life.
She also reported that she feels great relief of having no sexual desire for other women and she is very happy of the fact that her feelings for them are strictly platonic.
Consequently she has completely embraced herself to be a full heterosexual woman.
Her brain scans also supports her claims of heterosexuality to be legitimate.
So does all of the genetic evidence.
The genetic markers that determines sexual orientation that where found in her genome where of the heterosexual kind.
We also determined that these genes where present before the gene therapy commenced, therefore her heterosexuality was not caused by our actions.
These genes where there at her inception.
The evidence is conclusive.
The reason to why her heterosexuality was dormant until recently is still uncertain but what is certain that she definitely is a completely heterosexual woman.
After further research we came to the conclusion that this phenomenon of latent heterosexuality is quite common among our patients.
We found the same genetic markers in a lot of these patients as well.
Our estimates are that about 82% of our patients are heterosexual.
Because of this we started a support program to not only help our patients with their transition into womanhood, but also their heterosexuality as well.
We have hired Miss Michelle Phoenix to be one of our top advisors because by now she has acquired more extended experience and expertise when it comes to having sexual relationships with men then anyone I know.
She also has such an acute sense of our patients most intimate feelings and desires that it is simply mind boggling.
It is of my professional opinion that as soon crossdreamers delight is being reported the patient should be introduced to this program as soon as possible.
I also think that it is highly advisable that to refer to these patients as sluts as being a very positive thing in order to remove the stigma of being very sexually active women.
Our first priority is their happiness and if being a slut is their bliss then we should fully support it.
I am also in complete support of Miss Michelle Phoenix's efforts to inform the public of our patients and former patients, who she has developed some endearing friendships with, and to share their experiences of discovering they are heterosexual women and the great pleasures they feel of being a slut.
Miss Phoenix has already created a website for that purpose.
It is important to present these women in the most sex-positive light.
I think it is also important to continue to remind people that these women absolutely adore men and that these men deserved to be loved by them.
I believe that lust is the most pleasurable way for affection to flourish making lust and affection one and the same.
As miss Phoenix said so herself : "For a woman like me there is no greater heaven than to be in the arms of a man that awakens the slut inside you. And there is nothing I love more then my men." (I mean seriously, who doesn't want to be desired by someone that much ?)
There's one more very important point that I want to make.
This program is NOT to persuade these women to change their sexual orientation.
These women didn't become heterosexual,
They simply discovered that they always where.
That's where the euphoric feelings are coming from, because for the first time they can do something they could never do before.
To feel as the women they always where because now they are themselves.
Just women lusting for men.
I will keep the board informed about our progress as this program is continuing forward.
sincerely: dr. Rebecca Molay.
founding member and head of psychiatry at the Crossdreamers Clinical institute.
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