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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Monday, November 14, 2022

Provocative thought of the day.

Remember, genes are selfish. The genes that are responsible for intelligence do not care if they share a body with genes that are responsible for skin color. This makes the obsession the Woke have with race even more absurd.


  1. The big problem with "woke" is that they constantly push their "statements" (which are partly right, partly wrong) to a head, leaving no room for discussion. Only their view is the "only" correct one, and that's where it goes wrong. Moreover (but that's how I see it myself!) a human being is primarily a spiritual (and as such an asexual!) being, who in a new incarnation itself, in association with highly evolved spiritual beings, develops a new parents, family, people, country, etc. chooses to create the best possible new embodiment for themselves, in order to realize the goals for his/her new life as optimally as possible. Race, gender, etc., only exist here on earth, as human beings we are all equal to each other! And this factual fact (actually for me, anyway!) is chronically overlooked and/or (deliberately) ignored by "woke". - Tom -

    1. The problem with the woke is actually very simple. They are wrong. They are wrong about absolutely everything because they have a fundamental misunderstanding about how the world really works. What they fail to realize is that there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, inherently racist or sexist about white male domination and therefore it's not evidence for a racist of sexist society. It is a matter of utility. A useless black lesbian trans woman WILL be just as useless as a useless white heterosexual man. Therefore what you are will NEVER be the thing that will make you matter. Only what you do. And therefore, society is not obligated to grant you ANY position because of what you are. it really doesn't matter how many white men have power. Only what people do with power. What you are will never inform us about what you are going to do with power and therefore we should NEVER give you any of it because of what you are. You cannot earn with what you are. Therefore, NO equity on the basis of what people are, ever! Equality of opportunity is fair. Equality of outcome, AKA equity, is bigotry. Guess what the woke are advocating for. The woke are bigots. Nothing more. As for spirituality, I can say this. Spirituality is just a coping mechanism created by the human brain in an attempt to cope with its own mortality. Its survival instinct is in direct contradiction with its own knowledge. That's why people still desire to believe in it even though we know that the premise of spirituality is nonsensical and fundamentally absurd. Consciousness is a function of the brain. If the brain is the engine then consciousness is the movenent of its gears. Spirituality proposes that a person's consciousness can exist detached from the physical. In other words, that a function can be performed without a physical mechanism to perform it. That's like saying you can have movement without anything to move. Spirituality is a fallacy. Yet still people want to believe in it to validate their own instincts, ever though we know it's not true. Spirituality is the expression of a desire, not an conviction.

  2. Hi Michelle, first of all my apologies for my late response, something came up and I'd like to provide a serious and respectful response.
    As for spirituality: for me it is mainly about concrete spiritual experiences, not theory, which, moreover, cannot be refuted in any way by current science (contemporary science is purely materialistic, completely spiritless and soulless, and can therefore do nothing meaningful). say about the human spirit, for as a human being I have a body, but I am not my body.).
    But enough about this, because I also want to talk about woke. Because here (in the Netherlands) woke is not only extremely intolerant, but she becomes even more intolerant of people who think differently than she already is. The bottom line is that "woke" really just wants to have power and decide for others what is "right" and "wrong". Also, woke absolutely does not want to enter into a discussion with people who think differently, only her view is correct. This can only lead to a terrible form of (further) polarization, and that is something you absolutely should not want. Sadly, most leaders in this country are too afraid to burn their fingers tackling this radical group of bigots. In fact, we can only wait until things really go wrong, but then the damage has already been done. I can only wish you a lot of strength in avoiding / opposing "woke", because that is going to be difficult for you and here with us ... . -Tom-
