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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Saturday, June 4, 2022

Provocative thought of the day.

I find it utterly bizarre that there are so many so called 'progressives' out there who are advocating for tolerance while at the same time defending the intolerance of other cultures, saying that: "We don't have the right to judge them because we are privileged white 'colonizers' " etcetera, etcetera. Like the women in Iran should not have the same rights as women have in the west. Utterly bizarre!


  1. B.T.W. It makes perfect sense that we should colonize other countries and cultures with the things we are better at!

  2. Defending another culture is not wrong in itself, but at the same time closing your eyes to the abuses in that other culture. That is why countries and peoples should always maintain a dialogue with each other in a fair, open manner, with respect for each other, whereby both sides should also take the UN Declaration of Human Rights as a starting point. Otherwise there will never be real change, and the use of force will not help. This is a growth process. - Tom -

    1. Here's a statement that's uncomfortable to a lot of people. Cultures are NOT created equal. When it comes to human rights, western culture is objectively better than others. This is not a statement born out of pride or chauvinism. It is simply a statement of fact. For that reason alone we should not compromise with other cultures on these rights. This is not favouritism. If another culture had developed a better sense of human rights we should adopt those. It is simply a matter of may the best ideas win. This is why we have every right to judge other cultures just as they have the right to judge ours. We have every right to say: No, we do things better!
