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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Monday, December 20, 2021

One gigantic orgy.



  1. We been doing it haven carnal sex with women, since we were barely 17 or 18 years old. But, but we both felted empty, like we got nothing out of it. The women we did got so much orgasmic pleasure. So we had gender dysphoria. And both got into gene therapy and training. We both knew that the process, would take up to a year for our new life, as girls.
    NO, as women, physical, biological, genetical women. We were girls emotionally, mentally in part that were girl. After several months, nearly a year. We were complete women.
    The first things we did as women. As troll, look for the most sexist hunky men. TO have sex with them. So, we decided to have an orgy, with them. We acted like two sluts.
    And we, at lease I didn't care. Why because, we are making up. The lost pleasure.

    1. I know that english is not your native tongue but sometimes your phrasing is just utterly bizarre.

    2. Your probably, sometimes, grammar, stink, I should bedder terms?

    3. You see? This is what I mean. I want to know what language you speak and what software you use to translate your writing because this sentence: "Your probably, sometimes, grammar, stink, I should bedder terms?" makes almost no sense whatsoever.
