Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.
Michelle Phoenix
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I'm not gay, I tell you. Of course you are, you been looking at this strong masculine men. And I see you check me out. A couple of times.
ReplyDeleteYes, he liked men allot, but have sex with other men, as a man bother him allot.
So he got tested, they said that your not gay, each time that men had sex with women, there was spike, and when they show picture of naked girl, you had pang of jealousy and a picture of naked men you were excited.
You have gender dysphoria which means, physically your a guy, but mentally and emotionally your a girl.
What does that mean, he asked.
Technique your mind is more girl than guy. Your body is male. So your instincts, is of girl. You behavior is one to. But your body isn't. We can change that.
What sex surgery, no thank you he said.
No, this something different. This a form of gene therapy, this will alter you body, into a girls.
How long will it take, he asked.
Well it will take several months, she said.
Why, he asked.
It will take time your body to adjust to your feminine form. Just think of it as a form puberty where your body adjust your mind. And trained for to adjust to the new you.
Nearly nine months later he noticed a cute blonde working here.
Strangle he could swear he saw her form somewhere.
Oh, hello there, she said.
Hello there, he said. Haven't I see you some where.
I don't know, I been away for sometime, she said.
Like what, he said.
Well, I been going some changes, of sorts, she said.
Well what every they were, you look great, he said. Let me put it simply I want you, I want you bad.
What, you think I'm your office slut, she said.
Well yeah, I do, he said.
She smiled, in the your private office 10 minutes.
10 minutes later she is his private office. 15 minutes they were naked. 20 minutes later, he pounded his mannish in butt.
As she moan in pleasure. She could more happier, she wondered if she should tell him, she once that guy, he thought he was gay. He right and not at same time. He was never actually a he, she need some help to blossom into women hood.
I would love it if he would do that for me - and I would even more love it to keep him as my private stud after the transformation in the Crossdreamers Clinical institute!! - Tom -