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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Thursday, May 20, 2021

"I'm not a virgin anymore!"


1 comment:

  1. Ever since I hit puberty, I felt cheated, that I didn't become a girl. I was angry, but lucky technology, could me. They needed people to use on there gene therapy. To see the effects on them. It took many, many months the change as slow, like puberty, you start develop into a girl and into a woman. After many, many more months, of training, and the subject, the patient, the person is actually a female in ever way. Physical, biologically , mentally, emotionally your a woman. And now I found a guy , to try my feminine form. I never had actual sex, I want it special, I want it, be as a girl. So this is my first time. And will be so special for me. To be penetrate as a girl. It will be wonderful.
