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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
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Monday, April 19, 2021

The switch



  1. Oh, that's hot! Well done, hon. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Sally! It's one of the hottest things ever.

  2. No, no, no, I , I don't want to.
    What, you don't want this.
    Yes, yes, I, I did this, cause want to sex.
    Sex, with guys.
    No, no I, I wanted sex with girls as a girl.
    Well, this gene therapy worked. Your a female, a girl a woman.
    So, what's wrong with me. Why do I feel like this.
    Well, it worked you are a girl , physically, biologically, sexually too, and emotionally too. And your mental state.
    No, no , its, its true. What, what are you doing.
    What you do think I'm doing.
    No, no, its , its feel so good. Why does it feel so good.
    Give a few days, you'll be more comfortable.
    More comfortable I thought. Oh, oh my, I am girl, I becoming a girl. Why doesn't bother me.

    1. Can you read? "With every thrust of his dick he annihilates any change of you feeling anything for a woman ever again and YOU LOVE IT!" "LOVE IT!" Ergo, She WANTS this to happen! She WANTS to be hetero!

    2. At the moment I have become the woman I (always) want to be, I will simply be straight into men, loving it to feel that demanding dick sliding inside me, the fantastic experience (that I unfortunately still lack .... .) of being taken by a man .... . - Tom -
