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Many people assume that if you become a woman that you would retain your sexual desire for other women.
That somehow that wouldn't change. This simply isn't true. Many of us will become true 100% heterosexuals.
Many of us will discover that our true nature is to crave only men.
These are our stories.

Michelle Phoenix
Please, leave a comment! I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

You know what you really want, don't you?


  1. You see that I'm 100 percent a woman. The gene therapy worked. You didn't believe that it worked. You want me, you desire me.

  2. (Sigh) I love it to become such a gorgeous brunette myself permanently - if only to be able to unabashedly pamper and please my own private stud.... . - Tom -

  3. wow! If I were a real woman, with such a delightful body, I would know it and immediately start looking for a man of my own, whom I can and will continue to spoil privately for a lifetime and drive mad with pleasure, simply because I'll be crazy about him..... . Beautiful photo, beautiful woman - if only I had such a delightful body......! - Tom -

  4. (Sigh) - Wish I had such a gorgeous body myself, I know what I would do next .... . - Tom -

    1. Jeez, you've been busy in the comments today!

    2. You could say that yesterday I was reasonably inspired in commenting - and your request to comment on old(er) stories also ensures that I go through them regularly and that, because I experience, can give new and/or refreshing commentary, and actually give. - Tom -

  5. (Sigh) I really want to have such a gorgeous, fantastic body myself - and yes, I certainly know what to do with it, and how to use it .... . - Tom -

  6. She is really gorgeous - , and no, I do not envy her, I simply love it if it would be possible for me to become her clone sister. Then I would certainly and finally be able to live my sincere fantasy of spoiling my own loving private stud to the fullest, in real life .... . - Tom -

  7. (Sigh). Every time I see her, I long to be absolutely irrevocably such a woman myself, forever. If only because of the fact that I can and will spoil my own boyfriend / husband with this, day in and day out ... . - Tom - .
